Although Misogi is in the boathouse, a north wind blew enough snow through the door to coat the entire top deck in a fine layer of the accursed white stuff. This is rather frustrating because I had exposed some rotten wood on the back of the pilothouse, and it had been drying out for about a week. The snow got it all damp and squishy again. Mariah, unfortunately, is not in a boathouse. She got thoroughly coated in snow which is now probably leaking inside through the cracked window seals. Hopefully she'll forgive me for not brushing her off; I certainly don't want her to break the engine again out of spite.
Back at Sodhaven, we lost power for about 14 hours, and I discovered that nothing in this house functions without electricity. Not even the heating system. I'm not sure why anyone would design a house that could not be heated without electricity, but clearly Sodhaven's architect didn't think it would be a problem. I'm really looking forward to living on Misogi and not relying on the City's electrical grid for power.