The last month or so has been a bit hectic. I was unable to spend on time on the blog or the boat because I was feverishly working to improve a few disappointing grades, and then got ambushed by a flock of vicious finals. Thankfully, school is now over, so I can get back to working on Misogi and updating the blog.
The boat has really started coming back together. Randy seems to have mostly recovered from the baby, and has finished planking the port side of the boat, and re-built most of the Portuguese bridge. It's amazing how quickly it went together, considering all the curves and perplexing geometry.
New Planking |
Portuguese Bridge |
Randy's Impressive Joinery |
I have mostly been working on scraping paint off off planks, which requires a heat gun and many, many hours. I have decided that epoxy paint is devil's-spawn, due to both its complete and utter refusal to detach from wood, and its apparent talent in cultivating hidden rot-spots. Unfortunately, the whole boat is covered in the bloody stuff. Occasionally, I have been able to take a break from paint-scraping to make dutchmans. I find them very rewarding, and a lot of fun to put together. The recent addition of a dangerous and deafeningly loud power planer to our tool arsenal has made dutchmans much easier to fit, because I can make them a little too big, then quickly plane them to fit after they have been installed. The dutchman I made fro the port hawsepipe block turned out very pretty, and I am proud of it. Pictures are below.
Rot Pocket Excavated from Hawsepipe Block |
Dutchman Cut and Ready for Installation |
Dutchman Installed and Planed. |